The Controversy Behind J. Cole's "Snow On Tha Bluff"



Snow On Tha Bluff is a new conscious record from J. Cole, although many are displeased with his approach and thoughts on this record. While many assumed this would be a track directly talking the current state of America and its race relations, he actually voices disagreement with an unnamed woman’s approach to her solution. It comes together like a conversation Cole is having with himself internally, over some beautiful guitar.


The Why:

So what exactly is the issue with this track? Well many fans and critics have pointed out flaws in Cole’s lyrics. But I’d say the main argument is that he acknowledge’s the woman as being smart, but then follows up by judging her tone, approach, etc.

So when I see something that's valid, I listen/

But shit, it's something about the queen tone that's botherin' me

One could say that Cole himself almost had a condescending tone, which I can see. It’s also brought up that Cole doesn’t provide an alternative to her solution, just criticism. He usually does drop pretty reflective and impactful songs during times of hardship (Ex. Be Free). So, it was pretty surprising to see him come at someone’s approach/message, instead of constructively sharing his own in a song.

To be fair though, when looking at some of the other lyrics in the song, he’s also claiming to not be the deepest person or have all the answers. It’s somewhat like he’s saying the fans/people are putting him on a pedestal that he never thought of himself being on. He just shares his honest thoughts/feelings on very deep topics. Observing the world, would be a good way to describe his approach to these topics in my opinion.


Who “She” Is?:

Okay, so this is the actual main point of controversy. When looking online and at the song’s lyrics, many have pointed to Noname, established Chicago lyricist, as being the person J. Cole had in mind while writing. It is very odd if Cole was addressing her, specifically because he’s a lot more successful and famous (with a very big stan base). I definitely think people have a fair reason for being upset with him potentially directing the first half of lyrics at her.

Noname is someone that is very blunt, honest, and unapologetic in the way she delivers her ideas on many issues. Recently, she’s been getting attacked on Twitter for sharing anti-capitalistic ideas, criticism of black artists not leading, etc. Whether you agree with her or not on this things, she still has a right to express her opinion. In a country where black woman get very limited respect and go unheard, it’s empowering to see many now use online platforms to express themselves.

While I don’t think Cole meant to play into the “angry black woman” stereotype, he unfortunately did. Personally, I didn’t enjoy how he assumed what her upbringing must’ve been like based on her tweets. If it was an a fictional person for a narrative, it’d be different. Cole does admit that she probably has more knowledge than him on the country’s major issues. The song probably would have hit better if he explained/criticized more of what he doesn’t agree with instead of the way she delivers her ideas.



For the most part are think the controversy and criticism around this song is warranted. I actually agree with Cole though, in terms of not seeing her approach as being the most productive for black people in America. However, there’s no way to actually prove what the best approach would be. It’s all a matter of opinion and perspective, which is different for every one of us. In my opinion. Cole should’ve either provided his alternative approach in a full song or just solely added his perspective without judging someone else’s. He’s just expressing his thoughts honestly though; which he 100% has the right to do. Thank you all for reading and be sure to listen to the single yourself with the link below.


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